I use African Black soap because I am African American but I am pretty sure other ethnic groups can use it as well. Basically, I wash my face with it and the put on light neutrogena moisturizer because my skin is oily. Also every other month I might switch up on my daily face wash because my skin has the tendency to get used to products and stop working.
My face is usually very oily around this time and most of the time I am not in my house or dorm room so I have to carry around blotting papers. This helps take away the greasiness.
The night is my favorite time for skin care because then I can put on a mask or deep clean if I want. The first mask I have been trying for the past two days in a "multitasking face mask my version". So basically I start out with dry milk and I put a decent amount of water in it so it won't be too watery. I use it as a "base coat" I just rub it all in my skin so that afterwards my face can feel smooth and refreshed. Then for the exfoliation part I get a fingertip of coconut oil and I mix it with sea salt. I scrub my forehead, chin, nose, and cheeks (sometimes my neck). After this I get ground up ginger I wet it just a little bit and I put the mixture on my cheeks (where my face has the most acne scars). I let this multitasking face mask sit on my face for about 30 minutes sometimes longer if I am busy working on a project. Then afterwards I wash it all off with water, and then I wash my face with the African Black Soap. I do not put any extra moisturizer on my face because I sweat at night everywhere and also I feel like for my skin type if would be too much. My face has been clear for a while but like I said my face does get used to things so I might have to switch up things. I hope you guys read this and get inspired to try out natural herbs and spices on your skin. And you might use one thing for one part of your body and find out it affects another part as well. So you never know!