Now and days it seems like we are dealing with feminism, body image, and now class and modesty. I really just want to know when did women that claim to be feminist or doing feminist type things like Beyonce start dressing like they have no self respect. Many people may hate me for saying what I think, but in today's generation I feel like women ask or want respect from men and wonder why they are not getting it. I believe if more women showed their bodied with respect then we would get it a little bit more. Not to say that men would automatically start respecting us, but it is a start. The dresses were nice, but what makes me wonder is do they really have to show so much skin? Is modesty and class really lost? One of the biggest things that I personally focus on is dressing modestly but still fashionable. I feel like we have lost so many valuable things in this generation. The saddest thing to me is that we have lost modesty. Men used to work for us and they used to take actually try, but now as many women in my family have said is that they do not have to try anymore. Our body parts are given to them with no price. No wonder dates barely exist, or guys just look at us as objects. Susan Fiske a psychology professor at Princeton did a study on young male undergraduates and how they view women in bikinis. The study showed that men who saw women in bikinis thought more about themselves thinking sentences starting with "I". When they saw more modestly dressed women they thought more about what she wanted. In a way it is almost like men are dehumanizing the women based on how sexual they are dressed. I wonder if more people knew this: the designers, celebrities, and people in general, would we change the way fashion looked today. I believe as women we should bring respect and feminism back, and to start I think we need to make the change in the way we present ourselves.
To read more about how men see women in bikinis click the link:
Landau, Elizabeth. "Men See Bikini Clad Women as Objects, Psychologists Say." CNN. Cable News Network, 2 Apr. 2009. Web. 11 May 2015.