Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Stores I Love

 What really gets me mad these days are the people that say that they want cheaper clothing stores for a more diverse audience. The truth is they are really just directing their money towards wealthy and middle-class women and teenage girls. It is hard for me to believe that some of the stores posted on some people's blogs are even affordable. I know that I do not have the best pictures of the best clothes but I do know how to be creative in the little resources that I do have. My target audience is for everyone, particularly teenage girls and young women that are not wealthy or middle class. I want people to know that in order to look nice you do not have to always buy something that cost three hundred dollars. In this day in age, we should be more focused on stretching our money.
  Some of the clothes I buy are from the thrift store and I say that with much pride I even got a real Kate Spade bag from the thrift store. My sister also scored a brand new Victoria Secret bag from Goodwill. Thrifting is fun and expressive it allows you to take something and make it your own. I do not just go to the thrift store. I also shop at Forever 21, Love Culture, and Ross. Those are the main stores I go shopping at. I feel like if you just buy something that is extremely pricey then you are just buying it because you are looking down on others. There is nothing wrong with being creative. I mean, so many bloggers talk about how fashion is an art but the are making it into an art that only a certain group of people can afford. Make your clothes your own and I feel like Ross, the thrift store, Forever 21,Love Culture, or wherever you shop can help you do this.   

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