Sunday, August 30, 2015

Fashion and Christianity?

I know what many people must be thinking when I say that I am a Christian young woman who loves fashion. Many people might say that in this day in age you cannot fuse together Christianity and Fashion it is just not done, but I beg to differ. There are ways that you can still look fashionable but modest at the same time. I know that many young women do not want to hear that because so many of us are so in love with crop tops and short shorts. Now I am not going to say you can't wear the trending clothes because God did not say can't He said how. When it comes to fashion and modesty it comes to how you wear something. So in my understanding if you want to wear a crop top try to balance it out like don't wear overly tight jeans, short shorts, or a mini skirt. Try a classic Midi skirt or try some harem pants and a cute sweater or kimono. That way you are still wearing what you love but you are not being as revealing. 

When most people think about sin they think it is the part when you kiss someone or even have sex before marriage, but it starts way before that. It all starts with lust. Lust is a thought in the mind, the real sin starts way before you act on it. So when thinking about clothing in some parts of the Fashion world sometimes clothes can be a bit too revealing. In revealing can sometimes lead to thought, thoughts lead to lust, and lust is the sin which leads the way into deeper sin. Modesty gives you and another person a pure mindset of what you are wearing. Having a pure mindset and the right kind of modest clothes on forces the other person to get to know you. It forces them because they can no longer lust about what they want to do to you. Their vision on your appearance is harder to visual if you are not wearing something as revealing. 

There are several scriptures in the bible that talk about Modesty. The first one is 1 Tim 2:9. 1 Timothy 2:9 explains that modesty is a way to not draw attention to the body in a sexual type of way. Notice that modesty does not say that you cannot dress fashionable but it does say you should not dress very sexual. It even goes deeper to say that modesty is the outward manifestation of inward purity. Sometimes there are some fashion companies that do dress or style clothes to show too much which stimulate impure thoughts. Then the church sees nothing wrong with this and follows after it. Which is wrong because as Christians our light is supposed to shine and that means how we walk, talk, and even dress is supposed to be different. For me I love fashion to the heart but I do not think I would ever have my boobs out or my butt cheeks showing because to me that is not lady like. Some women go too far in my opinion. There are a lot of ways you can style dress modestly and have class while still being fashionable. I mean look at all of my posts; none of them really show me disrespecting my body and that is all I am trying to do. Is encourage young women and girls that we do not have to become sex symbols. A lot of times we complain that this world has turned into women just barely wearing clothes and talking about their own bodies with disrespect in their songs. Yet, we never really talk about a solution or what caused this problem. We can blame stars and blame men for disrespecting us, but respect starts with the person. How you want to be treated starts explicitly with the type of person you are and allow yourself to be. We all have our own choices no one not even God forces us will make us put o immodest or modest clothes. So basically as women we have really cannot always blame the males for disrespecting us because we allow them to. Older and wiser women always say that we took away the males imagination a long time ago. Which I am afraid to say but I agree because we did. Last year almost every artist had on a see through dress or a high split dress and a few months later the dresses were selling in the stores like hot cakes. Is this really what we want? We say that we want equality and justice for females yet often our actions speak differently. This all boils down once again to a sin problem not a skin, or inequality problem. We chose to leave God out of all of our decisions and we suffer the consequences.

I did not write this article to shun or harshly judge the person, but I did write to give my stance and viewpoint on fashion and Christianity. The other stuff was just extra. I believe that you can dress fashionably but you just have to know your limit. Think to yourself who am I dressing for? Am I dressing to impress a guy who is not really going to be impressed but see me as an object? Do I have way too much skin showing? Will I cause people to sin when they look at me? Those are a few questions I ask myself sometimes. I am not going to lie because I am young so I am still growing, but sometimes I want to show off the weight I lost or I want to show off in my clothes. We cannot always do that, because that could make people sin without you actually knowing. Please understand I am just writing this article based on what I believe and how my fashion blog is written. Basically, this is like a synopsis of what my blog will be focused on. If you would like to know about fashion and modesty here are a few more scriptures you can turn to in your bible also the Bikini TED Talk on how men view womens' bodies based on how much or how little clothes they wear: 
  • 1 Cor.6:19-20
  • 1 Peter 3:3-4
  • Proverbs 31:30
  • Proverbs 11:22
  • Matt.5:28
  • Deut. 22:5
  • 1 Peter 3:1-4
  • Psalms 27:4

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