Monday, September 28, 2015

Memoirs Of Perception

If you ever get to know me as a person then you will know how vintage and old fashioned I am. This is actually my first college Painting 201 class oil painting. Also this is like my first oil painting like ever. I kind of did a mixed media with collage. This piece is basically about how I overcame insecurities and how I saw myself. The pages were really burnt in a not so great time in my life. At the time I was angry because my parents did not want me to go to college and I felt so misunderstood. My mom had a history of reading my journals and I was already paranoid so instead of just balling the pages up I burned them because they too were also painful. Then I took a few pages out of my FancyMouse diary that were mirrors, and I wrote inside them positive, because around that time I was still struggling with body image issues. It all ties in to show a very intimate, and deep painting. A diary or a journal is very precious and personal, and so to let someone read it means you really trust them or are careless. Like you can tell a lot about a person from their journal or diary. I think that someone who still writes in script in 2015 is a very vintage person. It is almost like the viewer can barely tell which or what time period this piece is from. I feel like I let my viewer into my mind, and somehow they can really relate to me on a personal level now. Maybe they too will create a diary or journal. 

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