Sorry Video Link:
Jamaican Dancehall video links:
Okay, I know a lot of people are going to hate me now and quite frankly I do not care. First off, let me just say I do not have anything against Justin Bieber, and I think he is talented and may God bless him. The Sorry video angers me and a few of my friends and so since no one else has said anything I am going to say something. Cultural Appropriation is basically another culture taking another culture's cultural elements whether it be hair styles, food, style of dance, or clothing and claiming it as its own. My Great grandmother was Haitian/Dominican, but my friend who's family is from Dominica and Jamaica pointed out to me that those dances in Justin Bieber's video were heavily Jamaican dancehall styles. Also, not even just Jamaican dancehall some of those dancing my cousins, or even my friends, and I have been doing since I was little. There was not even one black girl in the 'Sorry' video. That was what kind of angered me because you guys are dancing and dressing how we dressed in the 90s and trying to make it seem like it is yours. I think it is so sad how we are losing our culture right in the front of our faces. Like it is so sad how every time we as a minority get something they want to take it and claim it as their own. No they did not explicitly proclaim those dances as theirs in the video, but at the same time they did not include a Black woman. I know that that is not the problem but can someone please tell me why just last year a black guy in Intro to Sociology 121 say that he doesn't like black women because they are always dressing nasty and dancing nasty in videos, but now the Caucasian girls are dancing just as hard as we were and trying to dress like we did in the 90s. Just because you are taking whining, tic tocking, and clothes from another time period does not mean you are not culturally appropriating my culture. My problem is not really with the Caucasian girls my problem is why can't we just perform cultural appreciation? Why can't we just admit we all like something from some cultures and give them credit for what is theirs? Life would be so much easier if people would just stop culturally appropriating and start appreciating or not taking anything at all but becoming creative and creating their own new culture. I do not know, but all I know is that African American men contradict themselves.
Many of you know that I go to a small Christian extremely conservative liberal arts college, and there are only a few black people here. I have heard and seen with my own eyes guys say stuff like I don't like black girls or she's too ghetto. It's like where are people getting this stuff? Like a lot of African American guys will date Caucasian women and act like they are the Queen of the Nile or something, but when it comes to us they can't even look at us. Then I tried to date(not really date but you know just see) outside of my culture and even they slammed me down. It's like no offense but the Caucasian girls win either way. They get the white boys, black boys, and probably everything else. It's like why as black women we have to wait to be happy and not that boys make us happy, but why do we have to wait. Why are we so devalued by our own men and culture? This is outrageous to me! It's so funny how I watch how a black guy treats me compared to a white girl on campus. Like they study with them, take them out on dates, and I am like God when am I going to get someone that treats me that well? When are we going to start getting appreciated? When is the world going to change their slave days mentality and stop looking at black as impure and white as pure? I am a fed up black woman. This would make you mad too if black guys tell you oh I don't like black women because they dance too nasty, or are too loud, but look around you! White girls are trying so hard to be like us and then they get praised for it. Shaking my head, it's like we still get treated beneath all other races. Do not give me crap about feminism because Black women statistically make less then White men and black men, and even less that white women. So don't tell me that we are all in this together, because we are not. No I don't hate white girls but I am tired of them getting praised for doing things we started back in Africa and we get shunned for it. This is exactly why I don't tell white girls anything about me. I don't tell them about my hair, nails, clothing anything, because they use it against you. I do not have the time at all for this.
Okay, guys let me calm down and try to be peaceful. I know that God loves us all and that we all did derive from the same race, but it is impossible for the world to just start over, and now say there will be no more other races. I think we all should just listen to each other and I think more than ever we all need the Lord to guide us, because there is so much going on in the world and these are the end times. I mean look at the weather. Prayer does change things and I believe that once we stop trying to look at each other and get ourselves right with God then we will be able to thrive. Also, just to let you guys know I am not mad or sad about not having a boyfriend, because I had to listen to God. I might see those girls getting treated so nice but God has something great for me. God has something better for me, and maybe I just have to be patient. I had to learn that I cannot compare myself to those girls because I never know who God has for me. So I am trying to just patiently wait on the person God has given me even if that means not dating in college.
Thank you all for reading this! Try not to kill me or murder me with unkind words! Lol, I do not have anything against anyone I just had to get that off my chest and I want to write about something we all can relate to.
Here is an example of African American 90's hip hop fashion:
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