Saturday, January 9, 2016

A Letter to Coco Chanel

Fave Chanel quote


coco chanel blog letter
So recently, I have been pondering the thought of writing a letter to one of my favorite (and many others) fashion designers. I just wanted to see the reaction I would get from others and hopefully this inspired you to think deeply about something you are passionate about.
Dear Gabrielle Bonheur Chanel (a.k.a Coco Chanel),
First off let me just say I chose to get your biography off of Vogue because where else would I find a true well put together bio from such an style icon like you? I do not idolize you because I am a believer and no one goes before my God. Yet, your style was so minimalistic and monochromatic and although we have two very different styles I believe that you and I would have hit it off very well. I want to really first off know how was it being an orphan in the late 1800s’? I mean I know that is stupid, but what I really mean is how did you go from a orphan to a sophisticated fashion designer. What did it take? How did you get there? Is there any encouraging words that you would give me if you were here today as a young woman trying to make it in Fashion Blogging and Fashion Marketing Management? I think you had to be tough and bold because the quotes that I see that are yours are very strong and wise. If fashion is a form of art, and art is a form of expression which ultimately connects to color than. I wonder were you just being “simple” when you chose all black or did it symbolize the roughness you may or may not have had being in an orphanage. Did your ideals of a woman and fashion come from losing your mother at a young age and having to be strong and stand on your own? In some ways, I think you and I relate because right after your mother died your father ran off and left you. My life is not nearly as dramatic and heartbreaking as yours but I feel a connection that other Chanel fans may or may not have. I know that in a way not having a father can make you strong, and once again judging from your quotes you were pretty strong. It must have hurt having your only family member run off and give you to an orphanage. I grew up with a mother, but you had no one and you still handled your business and that is what inspires me. I could have been basic and been like every other woman that likes you and did not really take out the time to see what type of person you were. I feel like I really connect with you because you did not originally want to be a fashion designer you wanted to be a singer, and although I do not want to be a singer I still have that musical talent. I am not limited to one area in life and it seems like neither were you.
I mean there is so much I want to say and ask but I just can’t seem to get it out. You had such a successful life and met Picasso and so many other big names. I know that some people would say that those things do not mean a thing and really they don’t. It’s just the fact that you thought so differently and you even were greatly inspired by menswear. In some ways I feel like you gained a lot of strength from the things you went through in life and that is where the distinctly masculine fragrance Chanel No. 5 came from. You literally are the Phoenix from the ashes like previous articles say. Who starts, restarts a Fashion Line at the age of 71? That was a ballsy move and yet you still are one of (in my opinion the greatest) the greatest fashion designers in history. I am just in complete awe because reading your biographies just encourage me to keep striving for the best. Keep working my butt off even if no one believes in me I know that I will make it. Rest up Coco I can only dream that someday I will be as great as you.
Makayla Cole

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