Photo Credit: Glossier's Instagram +Glossier |
Photo Credit: Glossier's Instagram +Glossier |
Hey guys, I just ended my sophomore year of college and it was a great year for me (but I am saving that for another blog post)! Anyways, it has been awhile since I have posted about what I have been using consistently! So here go nothing...
Right now, I have become very attracted to Glossier's online store. While, I have not bought any products yet (I am deciding on doing that) I have read a ton of reviews and love their natural products so I am kind of excited to buy my mask tomorrow. So right now, I have been kind of diy-ing my skin care routine. Like, today I looked up a skin brightener online and it gave me about three easy steps (I added a few!)
Natural Skin Brightener:
-1 tbsp of coconut milk (I used oil)
-1 tbsp of honey
- 1 tbsp of lemon juice
-and some days I add ginger
Okay, so some stuff my mom has looked up and told me and I just want to share it with you guys! So lately I have been using Selsun Blue shampoo dandruff control with salicylic acid and using grapeseed oil as a moisturizer. I know some people may think that I am crazy for using shampoo as a facial cleanser but it has salicylic acid in it, which is put in most facial cleansers. My face has been clearing up and I have been using that for about 2 weeks straight. So I am pretty happy about. Also, for my fellow oily faced girls, I have discovered that grape seed oil helps with oily skin and even skin tones naturally. This is like the only moisturizer in my entire life that gives me a dewy glow and my skin does not feel oily. Never in my life has anything else ever worked, and my face has cleared up tremendously. Another oil that works for eyelash growth is castor oil. I need to do some repair on my eyelashes. So I might give up mascara for a while and go natural (which will be challenging for me because I love mascara!) Well, there you have it girls or guys that's my beauty regime. It's pretty natural but I cannot wait to try my new Glossier face mask, and give you guys my code next time.
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